Erectile Dysfunction FAQs
What Is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?
Erectile dysfunction, or male impotence, is the inability to get or keep an erection to have successful intercourse.
What Causes ED?
Several factors can cause erectile dysfunction including age, weight management issues, medications, or current medical conditions that you may be dealing with.
What Are Treatment Options for ED?
There are a number of treatment options available including medications, injections, and procedures. Dr. Migue specializes in the following procedures to help with ED.
- Drug Therapy
- Oral Medication
- Penile Pumps
- Penile Implants
Are These Treatment Options the Same for All Men?
Almost all men that suffer from ED are eligible for all of these types of treatment. However, if you suffer from a cardiac disease or have a family history of heart disease, we strongly recommend consulting with your doctor before taking any medication or having any procedures.
What Issues Can I Expect After the Procedure?
You could experience soreness in the affected region for a few days after the procedure. The recovery time can last approximately one month.
Who Can I Contact With General Questions About the Procedures?
You will be provided with a procedure coordinator who will provide you with information about scheduling, insurance, and notes for preparation and recovery, including a list of any products you may want to purchase before the procedure.