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News & Events

Can BPH Be Prevented?

Just like women, men find that as they get older, certain parts of their body get larger. Think stomach and prostate gland. We could go on, but you get the picture. A man’s prostate gland can change from the size of a walnut up to as large as an orange, which is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). When this happens later in life, it causes symptoms and sometimes complications. Can BPH be prevented?

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Vasectomy: How It Works & What To Expect

If you and your partner are considering a vasectomy, you should be aware of certain facts. It is an outpatient surgery with a low risk of complications or side effects, and it is nearly 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. One other important fact is that it is cheaper than female sterilization or the longterm costs of birth control methods for women. With those facts out of the way, let’s dig deeper about vasectomy: how it works and what to expect.

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Is My Erectile Dysfunction Treatable?

When you decide it’s finally time to talk with Dr. Miguel Mercado about your erectile dysfunction, all that is needed to begin is answering some medical questions and getting a physical exam. You may have chronic health issues that could be the underlying cause. You won’t know any answers until you begin.

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How Smoking Affects Your Risk Of Urologic Conditions

If you are a smoker, you most likely have been admonished for years by friends and relatives to quit. You are aware of the many health problems which can develop from smoking. Yet, you continue unabated. If it was easy to do, you would have already done it, right? Maybe the final impetus will be how smoking affects your risk of urologic conditions.

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How Obesity Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction, or impotence, is the inability to achieve and to maintain an erection long enough to have sexual intercourse. It is believed that 12 million men between the ages of 40 and 79 have issues with ED. Many factors can cause erectile dysfunction, but there is one consistently strong link between obesity and ED. Let’s understand how obesity can cause erectile dysfunction.

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How To Know If You Have Low Testosterone

One thing that differentiates men from women is the level of testosterone a male has. Testosterone is a sexual hormone mainly produced by males, although females have some small amount. The level of testosterone is important for normal sexual development and function. How to know if you have low testosterone?

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Newly Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer: A Guide

“What do I do next?” is usually the first thing a man diagnosed with prostate cancer thinks about. There are several actions you should and should not take if you are diagnosed with prostate cancer. Here are some tips for a man newly diagnosed with prostate cancer. A guide to handling your fears, questions, and treatment options.

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How To Have The Vasectomy Talk

No matter who is doing the talking and who is doing the listening, having the vasectomy talk is rife with awkwardness and pitfalls. Most times it is the female trying to get her man to undergo the procedure, so it is better to have all your facts and talking points in order. Then start slowly. Here are some tips on how to have the vasectomy talk and what to emphasize.

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